Friday, April 5, 2013

Open Blog - The taste of ink is getting old


I keep involuntarily asking myself this question over and over again in my head. It's torture. I attempted to write a blog about an entirely different topic but this one kept interfering. So, change of plans! Looks like I'll be letting you guys in on some different things that have been weighing heavily on my shoulders for the last few days. For a little over a year now Northern Arizona University has been my college of choice. After comparing and contrasting the different education programs other colleges had to offer (in Arizona), NAU's seemed to be the best fit. Also, if I'm being completely honest, we must talk about the location of the campus.. I guess you could say I've been (just a little bit) bias from the get-go.. The sole fact that NAU was the furthest campus from home sold me almost immediately. After being accepted I could hardly contain my excitement. I began to look at all the different apartments, the campus and of course the coffee shops! My dream that seemed so out of reach began to fall together so perfectly. I would constantly catch myself day dreaming about finally living on my own, having my own apartment and proving to myself and my family that I could make it on my own. The excitement was almost too overwhelming. This was the opportunity I had been waiting to knock on my door since I graduated high school. The thought of being in a whole new place with entirely different/new people was always something I knew I needed to try at least once.. and possibly (hopefully) again and again. It would be awesome. I could start over. I could be someone completely different or remain the same. I could change my hair color and take on a new hobby.. perhaps swing dancing.. or playing the guitar! I could become vegan and quit my coffee habit.Who knows? The possibilities are endless. I could rewrite my story however many times it took till I ran out of new places to go and people to meet.. how empowering. I'm getting uncontrollably anxious even writing about it.. I guess we ought to switch gears before someone at work thinks I've had too much caffeine again..
So, I know by now you are probably asking yourself
"well, what's the problem then!?" 
"um, where does ASU fit into this..?"
Well ASU didn't really fit anywhere until about a month ago..I guess I've started to doubt myself and the decision to move to Flagstaff with absolutely no one by my side. This thought of being alone, free and with no one to answer to went from being liberating to absolutely terrifying. Yes, Flagstaff is only a few hours away but the thought of my family being "just a few hours away" doesn't sit very well. These doubts and questions have been lingering over my head for the last few weeks and I'm not quite sure what to make of them.. however, I DID make an appointment with my adviser to discuss the option of making some last minute changes to my plans for next year. I think a part of me is just as shocked as everyone else that I am actually considering not going.. this inner battle is in full force and beginning to take it's toll. I've always been the most indecisive person I know but this is on an entirely different level. Ugh.. come on, Alex. Pull yourself together.
Oh, The Used. You have such a way with words <3


  1. First off, I am absolutely thrilled that somebody in the class agrees that The Used has great words and word choices. Second off, I can understand the situation your in choosing between schools. I've been there too. I was going to shoot straight off into ASU right out of high school but uncontrollable events lead to me going to GCC. That being said, choosing a place to proceed GCC has been increasingly more difficult because of the many reasons to go to any college at that. I hope you find the right decision that fits you best of all!

  2. I can empathize with your situation. I know how tough it is to be away from everything you have grown up to know. I joined the Marines right out of high school and was shipped to three different places in the four years I was in. I loved being on my own, but the feeling of home sickness did settle in. After a while though, I started making my own friends and family (brothers). It was tough at first, but the adventure taught me so much that the Phoenix Arizona area could not and will never teach. I suggest that everyone moves away from home at least once. It was fun, but I did eventually move back to Arizona. Ultimately, it is your decision and I hope that whichever you choose you do not regret later in life. Best of luck!

  3. I think that Daniel says a lot about taking the courage to move somewhere different. I bolted the first chance I got (which was after undergrad actually) and then I found myself living on my own only in another part of the state, and I panicked. It too time -- a long time -- but I actually became a really independent person, and now I can live by myself happily or with others. It's a great way to be because I'll never be dependent on anyone else to make me happy. And because I can make myself happy, I can make others happy, too. :-D

  4. By the way, I meant to add that I love the title of this blog. It's incredibly poetic. Kimberly
