Saturday, April 27, 2013

Open blog - Café au Lait Green Monster

So, if any of you guys are like me, you definitely love your coffee. It’s an absolute necessity in my morning routine and without it I feel completely off. Although, after a few months of stopping at the local Starbucks every morning, I began to realize just how much money was going into my caffeine habit. I then began to search online for homemade iced coffee recipes that would save me around twenty dollars a week, and could possibly be a bit healthier. After a few trial and error runs, I came upon this delicious recipe for the “Café au Lait Green Monster”. I was so excited when I stumbled upon this website: Full Measure of Happiness. It is written by a young lady who shares delicious and healthy recipes for almost anything you can think of. I automatically clicked on the green monster with coffee; of course, but later returned to try a few of her other recipes. However, I enjoy the coffee drink so much, and would love to share it with you all. And maybe coffee isn’t your cup of tea? No worries! I will provide some different delicious green monster smoothies for you all to take a look at! Such as, my second favorite: the banana bread green smoothie :-)

Cafe au Lait Green Monster

  • 1 C coffee, chilled if possible (if hot, like mine was, compensate with some extra ice cubes!)
  • 2 large handfuls baby spinach (this may not be as Starbucks-tasting with other greens)
  • 3-4 ice cubes (I used more once I realized how warm mine was going to be, made with hot coffee)
  • 1 really ripe banana, frozen
  • 1 t vanilla extract
  • 1/3 C milk

 So, hopefully I haven't lost all of you non-coffee drinkers quite yet! As I promised before, I will now provide you with the recipe to my second favorite green monster smoothie:

Banana Bread Green Monster
  • 1 ripe banana, frozen (peel before freezing!)
  • 1 C milk
  • 2 handfuls spinach leaves (I use fresh)
  • 1/4 C walnuts
  • 1/4 C oats
  • sprinkle of cinnamon


  1. You should try out Turkish Coffee. I had it at this Bosnian restaurant I went to recently, and it's potency is amazing. It's like a little shot, but it packs a punch I haven't felt in multiple cups of Starbucks or other coffees. The taste is very strong, but I didn't mind it with some sugar mixed in. You really don't need milk or anything because it is already so thick. Try it out. ;)

  2. Yes, Turkish coffee is the bomb. I dated a Turkish man for a year and came to love it! Still, I love that you wrote about this topic. I love my coffee, too, but I can only drink it hot. I'm not certain about spinach and coffee, but I vow to remain open-minded 'til I try it.
