Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog on Revision

I found this quote of Ernest Hemingway's while browsing the internet a few days ago-- it's so perfect! It also reminded me of the revising we all learned this semester in Kimberly's class. I believe it's so important to begin this process with no boundaries; you should always allow yourself the space to jump freely into your writing. I also believe it's extremely important to choose your topics wisely. For example, pick something in which you feel passionately about, then let yourself run free. Whether you use a pencil or a keyboard, just start writing! While you're doing this, you could also enjoy a nice alcoholic beverage(s).  OR you could  let your mood, emotions, and imagination take the lead. Become intoxicated, or "drunk" in your own creative thoughts and ideas. After this step you may be feeling a bit exhausted; now it's time to step away from your masterpiece for a while. Wait a few hours-- or days.
Now it's time to come back and begin the revision process. You should always return to your writing with an open mind (sober), be nice to yourself! Read your piece aloud a few times; this process will help you catch a lot of the grammar/punctuation mistakes you missed the first time. Revise, revise, revise. Next, in our case, we were all lucky enough to continue this revision process in workshop. In my opinion, this is where our greatest learning opportunity took place. We were able to gain so much experience and skills from our classmates as well as share our own. I am very grateful Kimberley required this step. As nerve-racking as it was for me, I've gained so much knowledge and confidence this semester about revising my writing. 

1 comment:

  1. This is in my top three favorite blogs from this semester. I don't know where you found it (I'd never heard it before), but I <3 it! That's all I can say!
