Friday, February 8, 2013

Experimenting with video posts..

I also thought I'd share an album I enjoy listening to while writing/studying.
Bon Iver + coffee = productivity
Give it a try!

Open Blog - Stay Gold

Happy Friday, everyone! The weekend has finally arrived! Well, almost.. I'm currently stuck at work for a few hours so I've decided to get my first post started AND finished (hopefully) by 5:00 PM. So, here we go!

First, I would like to forewarn you this is my first official blog... I don’t have much experience with this huge social media craze that's taken over lately, so please bear with me!

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

- Robert Frost

Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost is one of my favorite poems for a number of reasons. I would like to think it all began with my mom’s obsession with Frost since I was young. From as far back as I can remember, my mom would always recite these poems to my older brother and me whenever she thought applicable. Right after reading the poem AT LEAST twice, she would quiz us on what we thought Frost meant by each stanza. Of course (knowing me) I would get distracted by the TV or a song playing on the radio, so I’d always allow her to explain afterwards. Although I enjoyed many of the poems my mom read, Nothing Gold Can Stay remained my favorite.

Now for another reason; The Outsiders! PLEASE tell me you’ve either read this book or seen this movie… I love them both! I think S.E. Hinton did a perfect job on referencing Frost’s poetry in her touching novel. Seriously, tissues are a must have! For me anyway… ;)

FUN FACT - My first tattoo was “Stay gold” I originally wanted the entire poem but later decided against it due to lack of space and/or tolerance for pain. I will edit in a picture later!

Thanks for reading, guys! Have a good weekend!